Every color has a specific energy. Exploration of colors is a science/art project. I love to work with this different frequencies. I match colors with varies materials. Colors are everywhere - naturally and unnaturally. Color is the visuell effect of light reflecting and refracting. But it is also so much more. At first, I wanted to explore every color and my associations as pure as possible.
"Color helps to express light—not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist's brain." Henri Matisse
Blue is a strong color, very intellectual for me. Planets, the universe. The sky is the limit - but the body hurts. My spine has a problem, I feel trapped in a box, hold back by clamps. I'm female but I want to be as strong as every man. Impossible. And then ... I discovered a hole in the box I can look trough, A possibility to shine. An energy that is rising. I make art - And I will always be free.
Green is nature. The moss on a stone, the butterflies in the air. The shinning sunlight trough my window shades. They cut the tree in front my window. I was shuttered. I took the logs and saved them. Nature is vulnerable. But we have to use what is there. As people, as artists.
Yellow is always transforming, fading. The sunflower turns brown, the sunlight fades away. Yellow is in process, toxic (sulfur, yellow color pigment) or nourishing (honey, curcuma, curry), ripe and on point. I wanted to create a fictional laboratory. And I set it in motion.